Hi everyone, I know it has been a bit but I'm finally ready to give the next developer update, and it's a big one!
Progress Overview
Since the last developer update there has been a lot of progress! I'll share some of it in a bit, but I did want to discuss the release date first.
Right now, our schedule is to have most, if not all buildings done by February. Ideally, this would mean the scenery itself is close to release but of course we would still need to do quality assurance and testing.
So with that, there is not an offical release date. But rather a timeframe around when we're expecting to be ready. As always, I'll keep you updated on any changes.
Let there be buildings!
The biggest highlight of this update is the buildings created by our talented 3D team for the scenery. We currently have about 21 out of 61 textured and completed with the remaining to be done in the upcoming months.
Here are some preview images:

We’re currently working on some really nice preview images, so I'll share those too in the future.
Let there be light (and textures)!
In terms of the ground polygon, there have been a number of changes. Mainly a new apron texture, and the addition of taxiway lighting!

What's Next?
Heres the eventual plan for KHOU, our next job over the next few months will be creating the remaining buildings and finishing up a few loose ends (like the taxi way signs, GSX profile, jetways and some minor marking changes).
I plan on the next developer update being releases when we finish texturing and modeling the terminal and it's interior.
Non-KHOU News:
I'm currently looking into what airports I should consider doing for my next project, which is likely a pack of smaller regional airports, if you feel strongly about a certain airport feel free to contact me on Discord and make your case.